Perspective Cryosurgery process applications: a mathematical review

Lalhmingsangi Famhawite, Sonam Tanwar and Pooja Raj Verma

CryoLetters 45 (5), 269-278 (2024)

Abstract View PDF Volume 45 No 5

CryoLetters A bimonthly international journal for low temperature sciences and technology

The journal publishes original research reports, authoritative reviews, technical developments and commissioned book reviews of studies of the effects produced by low temperatures on a wide variety of scientific and technical processes, or those involving low temperature techniques in the investigation of physical, chemical, biological and ecological problems..

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Contributions are peer-reviewed by an international editorial board and referees, and normally published within eight weeks of receiving an acceptable manuscript.

Information for authors

Images of cells courtesy of Prof Antonio D Molina García and Dr Aline Schneider Teixeira